How old do I have to be to take part in GODZONE?
The general entry requirement is 18. However, you can be as young as 16 if you have parent/guardian consent and you can prove to the organisers that you are sufficiently competent to take part.
The general entry requirement is 18. However, you can be as young as 16 if you have parent/guardian consent and you can prove to the organisers that you are sufficiently competent to take part.
The course is planned so that a team who have prepared well, who navigates competently and employs sensible strategies in terms of pace, sleep and nutrition, will complete the entire course in the time provided. Teams who underestimate the difficulty of this event and who fail to prepare properly are in for a rude awakening.
We recommend that training for the water sections is focused on dealing with skills rather than fitness and that you take it seriously. The water sections can be extremely challenging and the water can be cold. Safety staff may not be present and rescue could be a long way away. There is no substitute for
Navigation and route choice will be an integral part of the event. Some parts of the course will have very few checkpoints leaving the competitors the choice on how best to tackle the wilderness before them. Some stages of the course will have few paths and teams will often have to decide the best way
Simply because of costs, resources and the leading teams would be bored out of their brains waiting 5 days (plus) for the rest to finish. As you can imagine, every additional day the course remains open adds significant costs to us. This ultimately would be added on to the cost to enter which is not
Ha, we can’t tell you that until the day before GODZone starts – or it might even be 5 minutes before you start. We have spoken to a lot of current and former adventure racers and every one of them said that the best events are the ones which feel like a journey. We believe
Yes, the biking will be technical in places and you should plan to cover everything from super fast single track to steep, rocky descents, as well as more sedate fire trails and 4WD tracks. An element of bike pushing or carrying is possible, often dictated by riders skill, weather/mud, or landowners or on conservation grounds,