Entry Info

“ GODZONE Australia Chapter One will feature different terrain to New Zealand. The benefit of this length of race allows the course to traverse many different landscapes providing greater diversity than a typical 24hr race you get over here. Chapter One will showcase three distinct landscapes, including classic packrafting, long treks and challenging navigation, which our Aussie competitors will love. We expect the reputation of the GODZONE brand will bring experienced racers from Australia and new athletes looking to take on the biggest challenges our sport has to offer. We are keen to encourage more Kiwi teams to get out outside their comfort zone of South Island mountains and come to experience the amazing terrain we have here. ”
Entries officially open on Monday the 12th of December, 2022 at 9am AEDT Time (UTC +11:00) and will close on the 13th of July 2023. All teams are encouraged to be proactive and get their entries in as efficiently as possible. Teams unable to commit to entry may register their interest for the race and receive the Newsletters as they are released. Registering an interest does not mean an entry spot will become available at a later date. The organisation reserves the right to close entries early.
On the 12th of December at 9am, a Button will appear on the Enter Now page which will facilitate entry to GODZONE.
To enter the event, one person per team (the ‘Team Administrator’) needs to complete the registration form on the Enter Now page. Teams do not need a complete team of four to enter. Entries will be processed once online registration is complete. However, a team spot is will not be secured until payment of the deposit or entire entry fee has been received. Overseas teams should enter immediately but will receive a 4 day grace period for payment settlement due to possible delays in international settlements.
Teams should follow the payment instructions on the Enter Now page carefully. Payments should include the unique 5 digit reference code on all payments (created during entry process). Failure to do so may lead to a $25 AUD administration charge being added to the entry fee. Overseas teams making international payments may not have the option to include the unique 5 digit reference code on their payment and should therefore email a bank confirmation, or snapshot of their transfer details, to info@godzoneaustralia.com.
The Early Entry Discount ceases at midnight AEDT Time, Sunday 23rd April, 2023. To qualify for this discount the entire entry fee must be paid. After this time the Standard Entry Fee will apply regardless of the date the deposit was paid. The organisation reserves the right to change entry details, team limits and to cancel any entry. To complete your entry and for more information please Enter Now.

All entry related questions should be directed to:
Contact: Rob Preston
Mobile: 040 329 6516 (international +61 40 329 6516)
Email: info@godzoneaustralia.com
Additional important entry information and pre-requisites for entering GODZONE can be found on the Enter Now page.
General Entry Option
Entry Type | Deposit Payable | Balance Payable | Total Payable | Balance Payment Deadline |
Team: Early Entry Discount | $2200 AUD | $6600 AUD | $8800 AUD | 12th December 2022 – 23rd April 2023 |
Team: Standard Entry Fee | $2200 AUD | $7600 AUD | $9800 AUD | 24th April 2023 – 14th June 2023 |
Team: Late Entry Fee | $2200 AUD | $8600 AUD | $10800 AUD | 15th June 2023 – 13th July 2023 |
General Entry Option
Entry Type | Deposit Payable | Balance Payable | Total Payable | Balance Payment Deadline |
Team: Early Entry Discount | $2000 AUD | $6000 AUD | $8000 AUD | 12th December 2022 – 23rd April 2023 |
Team: Standard Entry Fee | $2000 AUD | $7000 AUD | $9000 AUD | 24th April 2023 – 14th June 2023 |
Team: Late Entry Fee | $2000 AUD | $8000 AUD | $10000 AUD | 15th June 2023 – 13th July 2023 |
Enter a Team
Please follow the instructions below to complete the entry process:
- Visit the Enter Now page
- Read the Important Information and Pre-Requisites of entry
- Fill out the form with the required information
- Tick the check box to say you have read the important information and pre-requisites of entry
- Press the Send button (open from the 12th of December)
- An email will be sent to the team administrator detailing a code, password and where they can edit team and personal information
- Keep a record of the unique 5 digit code (which should be used as the reference in all payments), login and password
- Make entry fee payment using the details provided below
- General team and individual competitor information may be submitted with entry or at a later date. It may be changed any time up to two weeks before the events starts by using the above login and password
Making a Payment
To pay the deposit or balance of your entry fee follow the instructions below. Please note that we are unable to accept credit card payments:
- Teams must pay all entry fees by bank transfer using the details in the table below
- Teams must use their Unique 5 Digit Code as the bank reference. Failure to do so may lead to a $25 AUD administration charge being added to the entry fee
- Teams making international payments should email a bank confirmation or snapshot of their transfer details to info@godzoneaustralia.com because international transfers do not usually include a reference code
- A tax receipt is available on request and will be emailed to the team administrator
Information | Details |
Bank | Bankwest |
Account Name | Thought Sports Pty Ltd |
BSB | 302-162 1320845 |
Account No. | 1320845 |
Payment Reference | Please use the Unique 5 Digit Code that you are given when you Enter and your Team Name (this can be changed at a later date) |
To help nurture the next generation of expedition racers there is a substantial discount of entry entry fees to any GODZONE competitors who meet the criteria below:
- Competitors who are aged 23 or under on the 14th of September 2023, and in full time education will be eligible for a $500 AUD discount on their portion of the entry fee
- All discounts will be calculated and applied at the time of the final balance payment
- Proof of Student ID will need to be emailed through to the organisation at info@godzoneaustralia.com
- All other conditions regarding payment dates and cancellations apply
What GODZONE Provides
- A high quality expedition length adventure racing course
- Logistical support
- Kayaks
- On-site search and rescue teams for emergency first aid
- Special disciplines and equipment
- Team tracking and live race website
- Race maps and route book
- GODZONE shirt or equivalent
- Race Bib
Teams Need To Provide
- Travel to and from Event HQ
- Pre and post race accommodation (variety available from camping to hotel)
- All items on the Mandatory Gear List not specifically provided by the Organisers
- Food and drink for the event
- We highly recommend that you take out some form of insurance to cover your equipment during the event. The organisers will take no responsibility for any damaged or lost equipment during the event, regardless of fault or cause
Cancellation, Refunds, Prize Money
Teams may officially cancel their entry at any stage prior to the event by writing, calling or emailing the race organisers. The deposit that secures your entry is not refundable at any stage. Cancellation of a team entry after 14th June 2023, will be refunded 50% of any monies paid over and above the deposit. Cancellations of team entry after 13th July 2023, teams will not be refunded any monies.
Teams are not permitted to transfer their deposit or any other fees paid to future editions of GODZONE if they are not able to make Chapter 1.
Teams are permitted to transfer or sell their current entry for Chapter 1 to another team if available. This will be a transaction between the teams and the event organisers will not, in general, facilitate putting teams in touch with each other. The team administrator must notify the organisation at info@godzoneaustralia.com if an entry has been transferred or sold.
If two teams do not have sufficient members and decide to join together, this will be strictly considered as one team cancelling their entry. Refund policy will be as stated above, no exceptions.
Teams are permitted to exchange their entry between the GZ Pure and GZ Pursuit events, if sufficient space exists and the respective new event is not already full. Any variations in entry fees must be settled within 2 weeks of the change making place. All other conditions regarding refunds remain the same after a category change.
If any member of a team is deemed not competent enough to undertake the event whilst participating, the whole team will be disqualified and NO refund will be given. Details of expected competencies are be promulgated on this web site and in the Newsletters. However, it is a pre-requisite of entry that every competitor and team enters the event with their eyes wide open and that they have investigated the likely scenarios they will face during the race.
If the race is cancelled due to acts of god, natural disasters, terrorism or other reasons etc, the organisers will make every effort to refund as much of the entry fee as possible to all teams. However, all teams should be aware that any refunds will be made after event costs have been taken into consideration. Given the high number of fixed costs associated with organising the race, teams should understand that any refund is likely to be minimal. The race is unlikely to be re-scheduled unless some form of support can be found (eg, Government financial assistance).
Prize money, if allocated, will be paid in Australian Dollars. Any tax payable on prize money is the responsibility of the team receiving the award. The overall prize pool will likely be a combination of prize money and prize product provided by event partners. Prize money is dependent on a certain number of paying teams entering the event and on the basis that GODZONE is not impacted by outside events such as Covid-19, acts of god, or any other significant factor that interrupts the usual smooth running of a Chapter. Teams must complete the Full Course in the allowed time to qualify for the prize pool.