International Teams

“ A lot of international teams worry about all the things that will get you when racing in Australia, when in reality you and your team will be making so much noise and smell so bad that no self respecting snake or spider will come near you. ”
Australia, home of the world’s oldest living cultures. We acknowledge the Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Owners of the land, sea and waters of the Australian continent, and recognise their custodianship of culture and Country for over 60,000 years.
Australia has been an integral part of the Adventure Racing landscape since Eco Challenge was held in North Queensland in 1997. Since then racers have been coming back with excitement and trepidation of a place with plants that are more dangerous than the native animals of many other countries.
What makes Australia the ideal destination for an adventure race? The landscape is the first thing that springs to mind aside from long stretches of coastal beaches, adventure races can quickly find themselves ridding across dry desert, paddling on inland waterways, or trekking through its many rainforests whilst admiring waterfalls and streams. Most international adventure racers comment on how surprised they were with the diversity of the landscapes and this is what makes expedition racing so special ‘in the land downunder’.
The Coffs Harbour region has all the services and shops you will need to sort out your pre-race shopping, but still plenty of opportunities to lay on the beach and relax with nobody to disturb you. Overseas competitors will be able to chose to fly to either Sydney or Brisbane airports and pick up a hire car there or fly to a smaller regional airport.
GZ Pure Event
For the GZ Pure teams, GODZONE is a non-supported race. This means that teams are NOT required to bring a support crew to Chapter 1, Coffs Coast. Our event logistics crews will be responsible for transporting the team equipment around the course and to various transition areas.
GZ Pursuit Event

Equipment and Logistics
GODZONE is a supported event for all race categories. This means that all teams require a support crew and vehicle for Chapter 1, including international teams. This support crew will be responsible for transporting equipment and gear around the course and between different transition areas. Please read information on support crew requirements here. If you require assistance in finding a support crew or would prefer to have some ‘local’ support crew assistance, please register your interest or check out the Team & Support Crew Finder page.
GODZONE provides high performance kayaks and inflatable canoes for the event. As a general rule, inflatable canoes are used by teams competing at the GZ Pursuit event, with GZ Pure teams providing their own packrafts for the equivalent paddling sections. Teams will be allowed to inspect a double kayak (AR Duo) before the event starts to familiarise themselves with features and storage capacity.
Other Considerations
- The official language of the race is English. Teams who need assistance with an interpreter please contact Rob at info@godzoneaustralia.com
- There is a significant magnetic declination in Australia and teams must know how to compensate for it
- Compasses need to be specific to the Southern Hemisphere – or have a global setting – European/North American compasses will not work here. Check out the range of compasses at Thought Sports Adventure Gear here
- New South Wales has lots of holiday options – check out Visit NSW site to get some ideas
Visas and Travel
The Australian border is currently open to overseas travellers, after a long break due to COVID-19 restrictions. Many overseas citizens will need to apply for a Visa. For more information please check this website.
Currency, Banking and Travellers Cheques
Australia’s currency is based on Dollars. Most banks are not open Saturday, Sunday or public holidays. Currency exchange facilities are available at the International Airports – hours of trading link with arrival and departure times.
Credit Cards
Paying by credit card is widely accepted throughout Australia. Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club and American Express cards are commonly used.
Medical and Emergency Services
All emergency services can be contacted throughout Australia by dialling 000. Australia’s medical and hospital services are both public and private. As an overseas visitor you may be required to pay for this treatment. This means that if you need medical attention you could find yourself substantially out of pocket. Even in a public hospital you could be charged more than $1,000 a day in hospital fees alone.
Environment & Water
Australia has a reputation as a wild country dominated by dangerous animals. While we do have a lot of biters and stingers, serious injuries are uncommon but you will want to pay attention during the safety briefing.
Water purification is recommended when drinking water from rivers, particularly in the coastal regions. Also, water near the coast could be brackish (slightly salty) and should not be used as drinking water.
Goods and Services Tax or GST
All goods and services (except certain financial transactions) in Australia are subject to a government 10% Goods and Services Tax, commonly known as GST. Overseas visitors may be able to claim back some of this tax at international airports when departing Australia. For me details check the Australian Government website.
Reciprocal driving rights exist between Australia and most other countries. Most rental car companies will ask for an International Driver’s Licence. The driver will need to be 21 years of age. Driving in Australia is on the left hand side of the road. The majority of roads are one lane wide in each direction and many are unsealed if you are leaving populated areas.
English is the official language of Australia, and foreign languages are spoken by very few Australians’, so you’d better brush up on your Aussie slang.
New Zealand is one of the safest travel destinations in the world, with a relatively low crime rate, few endemic diseases and a first-class healthcare and accident compensation system. However, we recommend you observe the same precautions with your personal safety and your possessions as you would in any other country or at home. Travel insurance is highly recommended.
Electricity is supplied at 240 volts, 50 hertz. Hotels and motels provide 110 volt 20 watt sockets for electric razors only. Most power sockets in Australia accept three-pin plugs or similar international adapters.
Employees in Australia do not depend on or expect tips as part of their income but recognition for good service is always appreciated.